
Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
017: Ouija and Other Talking Boards- The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast
Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
Wednesday Feb 27, 2013
Welcome to podcast 017! This week we talk about Ouija and other talking boards. We begin with a brief history of the planchette and ouija before detailing our own experiences with the board. the team talks about whther or not, had it not been for the experiment, they would have used a ouija board for any purpose. We also talk about why we would or would not, about the fear or lack of it. 'Feet on the Street' asks the public whether they have used a ouija board and, if not, whether they would. We interview Janine Donnellan from SOul.S.P.I. who has had much experience with using the boards and other devices on investigation. We ask Janine how she got started as well as about her findings. This was a great interview with Janine proving to be a wealth of experience to draw upon. Listener's question asks 'What can we do when using a ouija board to make sure no one is faking it, pushing the indicator?'. Vampyre Heart sees us out with their song 'Evil Eyes'. Links and Contact Info: Vampyre Heart: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vampyre-Heart/15878614255 SOulS.P.I.: https://www.facebook.com/SoulSearchers APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 Ghost Hunters united: http://www.ghusthuntersunited.com Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net http://www.facebook.com/theparanormalguide All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Wednesday Feb 20, 2013
016: Science, Entertainment, Profession or Hobby?- The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast
Wednesday Feb 20, 2013
Wednesday Feb 20, 2013
Welcome to podcast 016! This week we talk about whether we think the 'paranormal field' is more for science or entertainment, a profession or a hobby. As always, we have many different opinions on the subject, with each of the team giving their own perspectives. At times we do run a little of course but that is becuase this is a huge subject and we can get a little carried away at times. Still as always we give it our best! 'Feet on the Street' asks the public whether they think paranormal research and investigation is a valid field. Interestingly enough the majority give the same response, as to what that is, you will have to listen to find out. We interview Alison Oborn from Paranormal Field Investigators and ask about changes within the field over the last 24 years. Alison talks about her reasons for entering the field, what it meant to investigate 'back in the day' and how different types of people are now getting involved. Listener's question asks 'What needs to be done for the paranormal field to be taken more seriously?' Vampyre Heart takes us out with 'Crypt'. Vampyre Heart: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vampyre-Heart/15878614255 Paranormal Field Investigators: https://www.facebook.com/ParanormalFieldInvestigators APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 Ghost Hunters united: http://www.ghusthuntersunited.com Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net http://www.facebook.com/theparanormalguide All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
015: We Are Back!! - The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
Wednesday Feb 13, 2013
Welcome to podcast 015! After a three month break The Paranormal Guide team is back to continue our run of weekly podcasts. A break is necessary every now and then as at The Paranormal Guide we are quite busy people so taking some time to relax is, we feel, much deserved! This week we talk about what we have been doing during our break from podcasting. Some of the team have started new business ventures, others have been working on their own projects but all have been working hard at trying to grasp a better understanding of the strange and wacky world we call home. We also discuss whats coming up for this season... lots in store for you! We take a look back on our first 'Feet on the Street' segment from six months ago and talk about how we think we have changed in that time. We interview Alex Hedge from Ghost Hunters United to see whats been happening in the greather GHU paranormal family. Listeners question comes from Pete Banks who asks 'If we could interview anyone on the show, who would it be? Cyclosa takes us out with 'Taking Over Me'. Links and Contact Info: Ghost Hunters united: http://www.ghusthuntersunited.com Cyclosa: https://www.facebook.com/officialcyclosa Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net http://www.facebook.com/theparanormalguide All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
014: Halloween in Australia - The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
Wednesday Oct 31, 2012
Welcome to podcast 014! This episode falls outside of the regular season format (in no way to blame on Ashley who foolishly ended the season one week too early!) but we are here anyway and we are talking all about Halloween, whether we celebrate it and what it means to us. The episode was recorded in our sumptious lodgings in Ararat during our Vistoria road trip so please forgive the audio. We conducted our 'Feet on the Street' at Australian Horrorcon 2012 where we ask some of the attendees whether they celebrate halloween and what they think of the culture slowly (but surely) making its way in Australia. We then interview our very own Lyn Mallett about her halloween experiences. Lyn spent about a decade on a jointly run Australian and American base in Woomera, South Australia. As such she has experienced the full American Halloween and it really sounds like awesome times were had! We end the show as always with listeners questions. We probed our own minds for questions to ask ourselves and came up with a few good ones. Make sure to pay them a listen. Language warning with this episode... there are a few more swears than normal so pay heed if you have sensitive ears! Links and Contact Info: Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net http://www.facebook.com/theparanormalguide All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
013: Season One Final Episode - The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
Welcome to podcast 013! This week is a little bitter sweet as podcast 013 heralds the end of season one. For fourteen weeks (when you include podcast 000) we have delved into many and varied paranormal topics to present to you our thoughts and opinions. This week we are joined by Lyn and Wes our newest team members who join in on all the fun and memories. Please forgive the slightly hollow sound as we were recording somewhere new as we had our wrap party following this show (a lovely Sunday Beer and BBQ Bonanza!) We have interviewed many fantastic guests on the show and to all of you a massive thanks. Our shows structure and topic each week is based on who we have managed to snare for an interview so really without you all our shows would be very much different. We look back on some of our favourite moments and achievements before we tackle the many listeners questions we recieved for this episode. Some of them were very straight forward while some of the others took a little more discussion... and some of our answers may be seen as controversial but you are only getting our own personnal truths. Finally we thank all of the bands and artists who have allowed us the use of their music on the show but we managed to leave someone out (as always)... A HUUGE thankyou to Kevin Macleod who makes fantastic free and royalty free music. We have used quite a lot of it and the opening theme was also composed by him. Thankyou! So please join us as we sit in on one final episode for 2012. Do not fear as we will be back in early 2013 with an even better show! Until then... Links and Contact Info: Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Wednesday Oct 17, 2012
012: Disembodied Voices and EVP's - The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast
Wednesday Oct 17, 2012
Wednesday Oct 17, 2012
Welcome to podcast 012! This week we discuss disembodied voices and EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). As paranormal investigators we deal with the tw types of communication quite often. Not always capturing good examples of them but rather trying to experiment with it. We talk quite in depth about some of our experiences both personnal and as a team aswell as some of the equipmwnt we use. Feet on the Street asks 'Do you believe the voices of ghosts and spirits can be recorded?' We were suprised with some of the answers we recieved. We interview Alison Oborn (her third time on the show) and talk about some of her favourite EVP's and give you all a chance to hear them for yourselves. Alison has been investigating for several decades and during that time she has captured many EVP's. Most have now been debunked by herself so she plays us some of what is left over so you can decide for yourself. Warning... you may want head phones on as they do sound better with the sound travelling straight into your ears. Listeners question asks 'What is the strangest question you have asked in a EVP session?' A great question and one we have some fun answering. We have been in many places and situations so we have had many opportunities to ask some bizarre questions! Cyclosa takes us out with 'Taking Over Me'. Links and Contact Info: Cyclosa: https://www.facebook.com/officialcyclosa Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Welcome to podcast 011! This week we talk about some forms of paranormal and macabre entertainment that are not tv shows, documentaries or straight up ghost tours. There is a massive variety of stuff out there so hopefully we can present to you some other options for that dark fix. The first few minutes is almost a brainstorming session as we try to figure out what is out there... This show was very spur of the moment but this initial part done with we really sink our teeth into it. Feet on the Street asks people if they would go on a celebrity death tour. As always a variety of answers here! We interview the girls from APPI who have been on a celebrity death tour over in the US. We also discuss some other ideas too including how to make a different type of ghost tour to provide a new and interesting experience. Listeners question asks the team 'If we could go to the place of any celebrities death whose would it be?' Count Beetle takes us out this week with something new. I really liked this song. It is very Dark and suited this show perfectly. Links and Contact Info: Count Beetle: http://www.myspace.com/sinjinrecords APPI on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls APPI website: www.appi.org.au Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.facebook.com/theparanormalguide http://www.theparanormalguide.net All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Friday Oct 05, 2012
Lyon Paranormal Interview, The Paranormal Guide
Friday Oct 05, 2012
Friday Oct 05, 2012
Here is the full length interview with Lyon Paranormal a portion of which was featured in podcast 009. We interviewed Dave and Lorena Lyon for our show about Gaols, Asylums and Quarantine Stations as they have done a lot of travel around Australia visiting many of these locations. We begin the interview with the history of Lyon Paranormal, why they formed a team of their own and some of the work they have done. We talk in depth about hauntings in places of incarceration and detention, we find out about 'Solo Paranormal' before we finish with our three usual questions. Links and Contact Info: Lyon Paranormal on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lyon-Paranormal/232014876844855 Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.facebook.com/theparanormalguide http://www.theparanormalguide.net All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
010: Children, Teenagers and the Paranormal - The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast
Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Welcome to podcast 010! This week we talk all about Children, Teenagers and the paranormal. Is it ok to allow children and teenagers to pursue an active interest in researching and investigating the unknown? With two parents of young people in The Paranormal Guide Team this turns out to be a very interesting show! 'Feet on the Street' asks attendees of the Adelaide Body, Mind and Spirit Festival what they thought on the subject (including a few young people too) We interview Caroline and Marty of Carmar Paranormal Investigations who have a all junior branch of their investigation team. This provided an awesome insite into young people actively investigating! It was great asking Carmar Paranormal Investigations all about the junior team, what methods they use, the places they visit and just what the kids are getting out of it. Listeners question is 'What is the number one location that we would not allow youths to investigate?' This actually quickly turned into three questions but each pretty much along the same theme! Links and Contact Info: Carmar Paranormal Investigations Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carmarparanormalinvestigations Carmar Paranormal Investigations Website: http://carmarparanormal.weebly.com/ Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.facebook.com/theparanormalguide http://www.theparanormalguide.net All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com

Thursday Sep 27, 2012
009: Gaols, Asylums and Quarantine Stations - The Paranormal Guide Weekly Podcast
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Welcome to podcast 009! This week we talk all about Gaols, Asylums and Quarantine Stations.. well anywhere that a person could be held against their free will. Why do so many investigators focus a lot of attention on these places? Are they in fact 'more haunted' than other locations? Feet on the Street asks 'Who is it that is haunting our gaols?' We expected all the answers to be the same; 'prisoners', but we were suprised by a few! We interview Dave and Lorena Lyon from 'Lyon Paranormal' about their time exploring places of detention and incarceration.Dave and Lorena have travelled all over Australia visiting many haunted locations of which a large number of these have been places of detention and incarceration. They tell us about some of the 'evidence' they have gathered along the way and share some of their personnal experiences. Listeners question is too long to detail here but it is a good one Seeing us out this week is 'Cyclosa' and their song 'Love is Murder'. Links and Contact Info: Cyclosa: https://www.facebook.com/officialcyclosa Lyon Paranormal on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lyon-Paranormal/232014876844855 Adelaide Haunted Horizons: http://www.adelaidehauntedhorizons.com.au/ APPI Tours: https://www.facebook.com/appi.girls Alpine Nirvana: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Nirvana/226164014083782 Apparition Technologies: https://www.facebook.com/ApparitionTechnologies Ghost Shack: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Shack/208778072534059 Access Paranormal: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Access-Paranormal/149344445136596 Newcastle Ghost Tours: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Newcastle-Ghost-Tours/155386901179479 And as always for all feedback and suggestions http://www.theparanormalguide.net All music (except final track) by Kevin MaCleod http://www.incompetech.com